*Pictures show 6" potted specimen - natural variation in size and appearance may occur.
Aglaonema widuri
Sold out
Real Easy
No need for helicopter plant parenting
Bright Indirect
Avoid direct sunlight
Less Is More
Water when soil is dry – under watering is better than overwatering
50% Potting Mix | 25% Cacti | 25% Perlite
60°F - 75°F
Normal household humidity is fine
Appreciates low light, low watering and excellent drainage there know there istut i do
Aprox. [6”]: 6 H in. x 6 W in. fern with filtered or light, warm temperatures and high humidity hello
Searching... fetemphere is much to do and high more than meehumidity how there
Aglaonema therthere ethere there there there there a most fur hello there belive how