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Origins: Las Selvas

#1LS / December 15 / 2019

It all started with a fern. My lady (Rebecca) gave me my first fern 2 years ago and to my surprise that one little fern would produce spores of opportunities for us in the years to come. Now the reason she gave me this fern was because at the time we were hiking less (we love hiking) due to our super busy schedules and so we couldn't hike as frequently. As a result, I couldn't see one of my favorite plants, the California fern, Polystichum munitum. Now, I can go on and on about my love for this fern but long story short my lady gave me a 4" California Fern (my first plant). From that point, on we started going to different nurseries and I began to collect all varieties of ferns (thankfully ferns are cheap)! After, my fern jungle was complete my eyes were set on all plants from every ecosystem and that is how Las Selvas 'The Jungles' began. It began with the idea of helping others find their jungle and helping them grow with their plants as I did with my ferns. With all that said, I just want to give a quick shoutout to my beautiful lady! Without her giving me my first fern I don't think Las Selvas would have ever come to existence. Thank you baby :) !


#2LS / DEC. 27 / 2019

#3LS / JAN. 10 / 2019

#4LS / JAN. 24 / 2019