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Mother Fern
Mother Fern

*Pictures show 4" potted specimen - natural variation in size and appearance may occur.

Caladium 'Florida Red Ruffles'

Sold out

Real Easy

No need for helicopter plant parenting

Low Light

Give it a sprinkle of light here and there

Less Is More

Water when soil is dry – under watering is better than overwatering

Light Mix

50% Coco Coir | 40% Perlite | 10% Compost

65°F - 75°F

Normal household humidity is fine


Appreciates low light, low watering and excellent drainage there know there istut i do


Aprox. [4”]: 4 H in. x 4 W in. fern with or light, warm temperatures and high humidity hello


Americas fetemphere is much to do and high more than meehumidity how there


Caladium therthere ethere there there there there a most fur hello there belive how